Wasted Votes

original from early 2016

What is a wasted vote?
Often times, people will claim that when you vote for the Libertarian party that you wasted your vote. What is a wasted vote and what isn’t a wasted vote?

What would really happen if we didn’t vote for the Libertarian party?
There are 4 possible choices for where libertarians would be divided.
1. There may be a few people who would vote Democrat.
2. Some may vote Republican.
3. Most would probably not vote at all.
4. If a different 3rd party is available they may vote for that instead.

Should we just vote for the lesser of 2 evils?
Sometime you may hear something like, “The Libertarians don’t have a chance to win, just vote for my side because, he isn’t as bad as the other guy.” By this logic if someone loses they wasted their vote. There can only be one president, if the republican wins then, the democrats all wasted their votes and vise versa. Also like mentioned in the section above the libertarians would be split between both the democrats and the republicans (and elsewhere) so, it wouldn’t make much of a difference.

Stealing votes?
Sometimes you may hear some one say that libertarians are stealing votes from republicans or democrats. We need to look at who’s really stealing votes. The democrats and republicans are notorious for making each other look bad as a tactic to get people to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. If you fear one guy enough then you’ll be desperate enough to vote for the other guy that might win. It’s a deceptive tactic. Although, a lot of people have realized that they both suck and won’t vote for either of them. Every body loses if we continue to let them take turns giving the government more power and money in different areas. They are using fear tactics to steal votes from the libertarians so that they can take turns giving themselves more power and money.

Voting isn’t always about winning
This isn’t a sporting event. This is about pushing ideas and working towards giving America back to the people. Winning the war not the battle. Vote libertarian to make the government give you your country back. They’ve taken it gradually, piece by piece, it won’t likely be given back all in one shot. The only way to waste a vote is to not use it, unless there are no good options then it’s still not a wasted vote.

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