top stuff
sure. no one’s claiming it is.
bottom stuff.
1. People are sexual beings. we are all at least sex objects and many more things.
2. Disliking someones culture is not a reason to call it toxic. not sure what locker room talk is. We just talked nerd stuff and bathroom humor. or just silence.
3. Initiating violence might be. Responding not so much. Toxic is probably a bad word choice. Also not exclusive to masculinity.
4. Sounds okay if it means what it says. But, most of the time people say something like that it is just boys being boys, non bad behavior. Feminine behavior is not the only good behavior.
5. Not really. Some people are more emotional than others. People are different. Get over it. We don’t want to fit in your cookie cutter molds. Also nothing to do with masculinity. This is a personality thing.
6. It’s 2019 no one cares any more. If they do it’s not a phobia (fear) it’s usually concern or disgust.
7. Toxic is probably a poor word choice. It’s still not good. It also has nothing to do with masculinity.
Things that are toxic
Dehumanizing people by calling them toxic when they aren’t.
Imposing fake morals on people.