mini bad bryce quotes. undead document. more minis on the way
It’s one thing to argue whether or not something should be done. It’s a completely different thing to argue whether or not the state should be the one to do it. Far too many people don’t make this distinction.
For every claim that truth is subjective there are several objective truths about that claim.
There’s a weird tendency these days for people to take all these things from the past that were meant for comedy, shock factor, and other entertainment and then do them in a serious fashion. Then they act offended when people laugh, are shocked,or entertained.
If Christianity is stupid, then what does that say about the people that claim this, but can’t seem to get it right when they criticize it.
If libertarianism is an overly simplistic ideology, then what does that say about the people who say this, but can’t seem to get it right when they critique it.
I live in an area where every year around winter/spring the weather ends up being very random. And every year every one acts surprised by it.
If Hillary won we would just have different people doing the same types of things.(marches, protests, etc.) the problem is the state of people. Too many people with different views being forced to do things they don’t want.
I hate it when rich people make jobs and create wealth so give their money to the rich people in the government instead. That way they can make it harder for them to make jobs and create wealth. Then the rich people in the government can be more powerful and take away more freedoms and force people to rely on them more. Everybody loses with socialism, rich and poor. All types just because some types are less bad than others doesn’t mean its good. They may give you treats like dogs to support them. You are better than that. its a quick fix and both the major parties are responsible for it. The government is an often missed 3rd contender for this debate its not rich vs poor it’s everybody vs the government. The more the government gets involved the less money and freedom there is to go around for every one else. not just the rich or just the poor.
Always do your best and you will get better
The use of the term late stage capitalism to describe anything going on in the world today is a sure sign that someone doesn’t have a clue what capitalism is or probably anything important about economics.
Collectivism in a nut shell. Random individual does something bad. People try to pin him to various groups. Entire groups are at fault along with anyone remotely related to the groups. This is toxic thinking and destroys itself.
Sometimes I wish I was famous just so I could give a public apology about something I said about an activist group I didn’t like. I would start out all nice like I was going to apologize then I would gradually start ripping on them even worse using data that I researched. It’s funny how many people are forced to give fake apologies to people because their publicist told them to or whatever.
If someone tries to tell you that property rights don’t exist, rip their shirt and pull down their pants. Now say they don’t own their clothes and anyone can do what they want to them.
How long till we live in a world where a black stranger can make a mean racial comment towards me, I make one back to him, then we look at each other and laugh as we reminisce about how people use to care about trivial things like race.
This is gonna be a strange 4 years. It was easy being against obama I disagreed with a lot of what he was doing. a lot of my conservative friends supported that. now that we have trump I’m gonna probably have to defend him half the time and be against him the other half. for the record I haven’t been fully supportive of any president in my life time. republican or democrat. there’s probably gonna be a big shift in my friends. I’m am an issue person I don’t care one way or the other about the other aspects of the president.
tornado sirens interrupted fallout so i told them to shut up and continued playing. then my mom texted me after they stopped and told me to go to my dads basement. so i packed up my computer and took the scenic route to my dads house. didnt see much but there were more sirens. no tornados 🙁 that was all perfectly good time for me to play fallout. but i spent time with my dad so it was cool.
When I came to work today the radio wasn’t playing music. There were some men giving commentary on playground activity. They mentioned swings and balls. There was also a terrible choir. They couldn’t match pitch with each other at all. One of the men commented about 21 or so different pitches. I don’t know how he could tell it just sounded like vocal noise to me.
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