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Category Archives: politics
Property rights – Labor/ Property
**This is the second article in the property rights series. Click here to read the first one. II. If a person owns themselves, they are responsible for their actions. They own their labor. When they mix their labor with unowned … Continue reading
Overhaul the Voting System
Our current voting system
Every 4 years we get together an make a big hoopla about who to vote for president. Every 2 years and some times other times there are votes for other things and people. It is very static. All it takes is a candidate who can put on a good campaign show or propaganda then we have to deal the results for years. Continue reading
Property Rights – Self ownership
I. Self Ownership
Ownership is the right to control what happens to something. It also tells who is responsible for something. Most people would be willing to admit that they have ownership in themselves. Our very words like “myself” imply ownership. It basically means this self is mine. You own yourself. I own myself. What are the consequences of not owning yourself? A few logical options are available. Continue reading
What government needs.
We need the type of people in our government that will change things in a way that will make their own jobs obsolete. Continue reading
Why Christians should vote libertarian v.01
*this is currently just a partial outline of stuff I will add more and form it into an article eventually. As these verses demonstrates seemingly bad things will happen we should not try to prevent them. If the bible says … Continue reading